Homes by Jamie L

Why Are There So Many Credit Scores?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Most lenders today rely on your FICO credit score to determine whether to approve your application for a mortgage and when assigning an interest rate to your loan. Generally, the higher your FICO score, the lower your interest rate.

Most lenders consider a FICO score of 800 or more to be excellent. You can expect to earn the lowest interest rate when your score is that high. But you don’t need an 800 FICO credit score to qualify for a mortgage. You can usually secure a loan even if your FICO sco...
The Moving Day Survival Kit
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

Getting ready to move into your new home can be a hectic experience. From getting items out of storage to transferring items from your old home into your new space, it’s easy to lose track of things. That’s why it is important to keep track of essential items during the move.

While you’ll pack most of your belongings into a variety of boxes, you should plan to keep some items separated or clearly marked as a survival kit to make the first day or two in your home much easier. If you can, keep th...
Improving Your Partner's Credit Without Hurting Yours
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

If your partner brings poor credit to the relationship, it can be an issue you should probably fix together.

A spouse’s poor credit score won’t hurt yours, and credit reports for both people don’t merge when they get married, but continued poor credit habits by a partner can affect each person’s credit score if they have joint accounts together, such as a shared credit card.

Here are some ways to help your partner improve their credit score without jeopardizing yours:

Check Credit ReportsYou fi...
Your Burning Questions About Fireplaces Answered
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

If you’ve purchased a home with an existing fireplace or are interested in installing one, there are a few things you should know. There are a handful of different fireplace types—each with its own unique maintenance and operating requirements—that homeowners need to be well-versed in for safety and cosmetic purposes.

Woodburning fireplaceLooking for a traditional type of fireplace? A woodburning version may be right for you. It requires a chimney (which adds on maintenance costs) and you’ll n...
What’s the Difference Between Prequalified and Preapproved?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

The homebuying process comes with a language all its own, and two of the terms you may have heard are prequalified and preapproved. While both can be essential parts of obtaining a mortgage and buying a home, you may not know what they mean. Check out the information below to learn how each term may benefit you during your home search.



What Does it Mean to Prequalify? 

When you prequalify for a home loan, it means you’re getting an estimate of how much you may be able to borrow base...
6 Surprising Fixes Using Hairspray
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Hairspray is, of course, a beauty product for styling your hair. However, did you know that you could also use it as a DIY fix for some common problems? According to HomeAdvisor, here are six surprising ways to use hairspray at home:

Keep Curtains Dust-Free. Many homeowners claim that a little bit of hairspray goes a long way when it comes to keeping curtains and drapes clean. Simply spray new or newly cleaned drapes with hairspray, and it should help keep dust from sticking. Be sure to check w...
Simple Ways to Save Money and Pad Your Emergency Fund
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Having an emergency fund to help pay for an unexpected car repair, hospital visit, or other financial emergency is a smart financial move, but finding money to sock away each month is easier said than done. However, it is possible if you have a sound strategy in place.

Here are a few simple ways to save some money:

Buy and sell used
For one month, make it a point to only buy used items. And for each item you buy, sell something you already own.

While this tactic won’t necessarily work for food (...
Jamie Lukeski
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